Search For tennis In Quotes 61

Family's first and that's what matters most. We realize that our love goes deeper than the tennis game.

Tennis just a game family is forever.

In tennis it is not the opponent you fear it is the failure itself knowing how near you were but just out of reach.

I've been playing against older and stronger competition my whole life. It has made me a better tennis player and able to play against this kind of level despite their strength and experience.

I help design my own tennis clothes.

No like I said my dad was never really part of the tennis. His involvement around what I did with the tennis and with my mom and my grandparents was really not a part of my life.

One day my dad would say 'OK if you want to play tennis I can help you out.' And that's how it started. And I had a goal. I wanted to beat my mom first. And my parents and my brother. And that was the ultimate goal.

You know my dad pushed me to believe that I was going to be the best. I just never thought of life without tennis even looking forward.

My dad said if you become a tennis professional just make sure you get into the top hundred because you have to make a little bit of money. You make a living so you can pay your coaching and you know your travels.

One thing my dad always told me was he would make sure I always had what he didn't have. He couldn't play basketball because he didn't have tennis shoes - so I had five pairs of tennis shoes.

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