Greater personal choice individually tailored services stronger local accountability greater efficiency - these are all central to the new direction of travel we have set for our public services.
My kids started school so having a strong base in Melbourne has been a key priority. I'm not daunted by the travel. People say 'It's so far to Australia ' and I say 'You get on the plane you eat well you sleep you wake up - and you're there.'
The pressure on young chefs today is far greater than ever before in terms of social skills marketing skills cooking skills personality and more importantly delivering on the plate. So you need to be strong. Physically fit. So my chefs get weighed every time they come into the kitchen.
If you kiss on the first date and it's not right then there will be no second date. Sometimes it's better to hold out and not kiss for a long time. I am a strong believer in kissing being very intimate and the minute you kiss the floodgates open for everything else.
There is one thing stronger than all the armies in the world and that is an idea whose time as come.
Time is a sort of river of passing events and strong is its current no sooner is a thing brought to sight than it is swept by and another takes its place and this too will be swept away.
As the daughter of a schoolteacher I feel very strongly that the most important thing in school takes place right there in that classroom and the interaction between the teacher and the child.
I was strongly encouraged by a science teacher who took an interest in me and presented me with a key to the laboratory to allow me to work whenever I wanted.
But what you could perhaps do with in these days is a word of most sincere sympathy. Your movement is carried internally by so strong a truth and necessity that victory in one form or another cannot elude you for long.
Sometimes because of my success I am afraid that I was not a good father. With the first two I was too strong and with the other three I was too weak.