Search For stead In Quotes 326

I think we lost a great deal of sympathy and support with the way in which the crisis was handled most importantly I think when we appeared to be grasping for too much at one time instead of identifying our priorities in a much more responsible fashion.

The secrets of success are a good wife and a steady job. My wife told me.

You've got to work hard for your success and you've got to have a steady presence. That's the secret.

The most successful men in the end are those whose success is the result of steady accretion.

Success is a beast. And it actually puts the emphasis on the wrong thing. You get away with more instead of looking within.

Success is steady progress toward one's personal goals.

I admire President Chavez for his strength to resist the United States. Instead Bush is waging a war of terrorism against the world.

I'd like to be a wounded leading man. Instead of a pillar of strength I'd be the scared one.

I think that my past stands me in good stead in that it does have a certain strength for musicians.

I left because I could no longer make records that sounded less and less like me. I tried to please people instead of believing in my own strength until the only thing I could do was walk away.