Search For stain In Quotes 114

So long as I'm Commander-in-Chief we will sustain the strongest military the world has ever known. When you take off the uniform we will serve you as well as you've served us - because no one who fights for this country should have to fight for a job or a roof over their head or the care that they need when they come home.

All the gossip and craziness becomes a kind of sustained narrative which in turn can become history. It's scary.

After Nixon resigned in 1974 he engaged in a very aggressive war with history attempting to wipe out the Watergate stain and memory. Happily history won largely because of Nixon's tapes.

Open markets offer the only realistic hope of pulling billions of people in developing countries out of abject poverty while sustaining prosperity in the industrialized world.

If you believe that health care is a public good to be guaranteed by the state then a single-payer system is the next best alternative. Unfortunately it is fiscally unsustainable without rationing.

The H-1B visa program which helps sustain our rapidly growing economy and also helps meet the health care needs of families living in rural New Mexico.

That the AIDS pandemic is threatening sustainable development in Africa only reinforces the reality that health is at the center of sustainable development.

During my nearly five years as director-general of WHO high-level policymakers have increasingly recognized that health is central to sustainable development.

Thanks to evolution our bodies have powerful ways to ward off illness and infection and enable us to live long and healthy lives. Why then do health costs continue to climb at unsustainable and frightening rates?

A world in which government is burdened by historic debt philanthropy has limited resources and the private sector is only interested in its own personal gain is simply unsustainable.

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Mr. Speaker we are a blessed Nation. We have not suffered another attack on our soil since September 11 and we are grateful. We have killed or captured dozens of members of al Qaeda and the Taliban. Our military and intelligence forces are working both hard and smart.