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The biggest thrill a ballplayer can have is when your son takes after you. That happened when my Bobby was in his championship Little League game. He really showed me something. Struck out three times. Made an error that lost the game. Parents were throwing things at our car and swearing at us as we drove off. Gosh I was proud.

I crashed my boyfriend's birthday when I was 12 years old. He didn't invite me and so I showed up.

A series of rumors about my attitude as well as derogatory remarks about myself and my family showed me that the personal resentment of the Detroit general manager toward me would make it impossible for me to continue playing hockey in Detroit.

The pilot looked at his cues of attitude and speed and orientation and so on and responded as he would from the same cues in an airplane but there was no way it flew the same. The simulators had showed us that.

What if you threw a protest and no one showed up? The lack of angst and anger and emotion is a big positive.