Search For ritual In Quotes 246

I believe that there is some spiritual entity that's greater than us. I do not belong to any specific organized religion. I have always believed that and I believe it even more so now. I believe that someone was listening to me and someone is giving me an incredibly blessed life.

When asked if I consider myself Buddhist the answer is Not really. But it's more my religion than any other because I was brought up with it in an intellectual and spiritual environment. I don't practice or preach it however.

Religion is a search for transcendence. But transcendence isn't necessarily sited in an external god which can be a very unspiritual unreligious concept.

A lot of people have questioned how yoga and their own spiritual beliefs can come together. Yoga actually pre-dates religion.

Religion is run by thought police. 'Obey. Listen. This is what you do. Don't ask questions. Go die for your country.' The spirituality says 'Okay you can die for your country but know what you're doing while you're doing it.'

Liberalism is a religion. Its tenets cannot be proved its capacity for waste and destruction demonstrated. But it affords a feeling of spiritual rectitude at little or no cost.

You have this mounting aggressive ignorance with the rabbit's foot of their particular religion. You don't really have any kind of spiritual law just a kind of a rabid mental illness. The songs are a little slice of life.

More than this even in those white men who professed religion we found much inconsistency of conduct. They spoke much of spiritual things while seeking only the material.

I've found a more personal pagan kind of religion to satisfy the spiritual side of things.

When push comes to shove it ain't the science that's going to lift you up-it's the belief the spiritual side of life that's going to lift you up no matter what religion you are.