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It was generally believed that Catholics were not interested in arts and science graduate schools. They weren't going to be intellectuals. And so I put the theses to the test. And they all collapsed.

A person that much interested in science is going to neglect his social life somewhat but not completely because that isn't healthy either. So one has to work it out according to one's own inclinations how one wants to proportion these things.

If I can get some student interested in science if I can show members of the general public what's going on up there in the space program then my job's been done.

I didn't mind studying. Obviously math and the physical science subjects interested me more than some of the more artistic subjects but I think I was a pretty good student.

I was always very interested in science and I knew that for me science was a better long-term career than tennis.

I liked math - that was my favorite subject - and I was very interested in astronomy and in physical science.

In science we must be interested in things not in persons.

Film-makers are always going to be interested in making movies that plug into society around them. That's what a vibrant artistically alert community should be doing. After all it would be sad if we only made films about alien robots.

I look at my people and I look at those who control them - the political elite. And the sad thing is that the elites are just not interested in the welfare of the people.

I am very proud to come back to speak on the disinterested effort we have made and I believe that with all due respect that the decisions we made when we turned our final report over to President Johnson will stand in history.