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I'm thankful for Sarah Palin's vice presidential bid which taught us that Alaska is not in a box off the coast of California.

You know I start with the assumption that -or with with the belief that this president has to succeed. We all have an enormous amount of capital invested in his success. His success is the country's success.

I admire President Chavez for his strength to resist the United States. Instead Bush is waging a war of terrorism against the world.

The President has not created any Ford constituency unique from that of any Republican President. The one exception to this is that he does show unique strength with young voters for a Republican.

President Obama's record on national security is a tribute to his strength and judgment and to his preference for inclusion and partnership over partisanship.

Ronald Reagan was a president of strength. His philosophy was a philosophy of strength - a strong military a strong economy and strong families.

That's what I'd like to do on the President's Council. Make sports and athletics available to every youth in America not just one day a week like it was for me but every day.

I was training to be a lawyer... I was president of the law society at Glasgow University and my bass guitarist was my secretary of my law society the lead guitarist and writer worked at the law firm that I worked.

I started in this racket in the early '70s and when I was president of the Science Fiction Writers of America of which I was like the sixth president I was the first one nobody ever heard of.

If Michael Steele doesn't make you sad well then there's radio host Rush Limbaugh no longer content with wanting the President to fail Rush is now calling out Mr. Obama as a girly man.

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My fiction is reviewed by the mainstream press by science fiction periodicals romance magazines small press publications and various other journals including some usually devoted to archaeological and other science material.