Search For relationships In Quotes 186

I've definitely you know been with women. And I've had great relationships with them where I was definitely in love. It's just I grew to a point where deep inside I knew that I could never truly have a relationship with a woman. I don't know if they ever suspected. It was never brought up.

I did learn one great lesson from a past relationship and that was to never talk about relationships in print again because I'd rather live my private life than read about it.

Relationships are so much a rerun of our parental relationships. We're rerunning the relationship they were in together and we're rerunning the relationship we had with them with our lover.

A lot of married people certainly have wonderful relationships with their dogs but when you're single and your dog is the only other living thing in your house it's a really special relationship which I wanted CATHY to have.

In order to satirize adequately I think you need to bring people down to Earth and be like 'Yeah these people drink coffee and have tummy troubles and they go to the bathroom like anybody else and they all have relationship problems if they even have relationships.'

I don't think it's necessarily healthy to go into relationships as a needy person. Better to go in with a full deck.

In human relationships kindness and lies are worth a thousand truths.

Before machines the only form of entertainment people really had was relationships.

Almost all of our relationships begin and most of them continue as forms of mutual exploitation a mental or physical barter to be terminated when one or both parties run out of goods.

When I got my first television set I stopped caring so much about having close relationships.