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I have also just finished three weeks on a soap opera in England. The soap opera is a rather famous one called Crossroads. It was first on television 25 years ago and it has recently been brought back. I play the part of a businessman called David Wheeler.

I'm often asked if I regret not going to Hollywood. I'm glad I didn't go because if I had I wouldn't have my extended family which is the fabric of my life. Only recently have I realised how special and unusual it is.

More recently as faith gave way to materialism anti-Semitism assumed a secular mode harnessing itself to the dominant ideologies of both the Left and the Right.

Until as recently as November of 1966 I had complete faith in the Warren Report. Of course my faith in the Report was grounded in ignorance since I had never read it.

Earlier feminists were almost universally pro-choice and have dominated political debate until now. Having access to abortion was viewed as the only way women could have full equality with men who until recently couldn't get pregnant.

Despite Arizona's remarkable growth in recent years we have met the current federal health standards for ozone pollution and the Environmental Protection Agency recently approved our dust control plan.

Some types of environmental restoration projects are well-known restored wetlands for instance or coal mine reclamation projects. Recently though larger dam removal projects have started a number of them in Washington state.

Years ago nobody was elected on the economic ticket. It was either the education platform or it was health or it was other issues. It is only recently that economic values have superceded every other human value.

I think I am done with Wikipedia for the time being. But I have a secret hope. Someone recently proposed a Wikimorgue - a bin of broken dreams where all rejects could still be read as long as they weren't libelous or otherwise illegal.

I am involved in Greenpeace. And I just recently completely switched my diet over to near-veganism. So you try to do little things that you can. I recycle every single day. Every single thing in my house that can be recycled is.