Search For prose In Quotes 71

I certainly derived my skills as a prose writer from my scrutiny of poetry and of the individual word. But schools don't do things like that anymore - tracking words down to their roots.

Every now and then I read a poem that does touch something in me but I never turn to poetry for solace or pleasure in the way that I throw myself into prose.

Poetry has done enough when it charms but prose must also convince.

However if a poem can be reduced to a prose sentence there can't be much to it.

Always be a poet even in prose.

One merit of poetry few persons will deny: it says more and in fewer words than prose.

I derive no pleasure from prosecuting a man even though I know he's guilty do you think I could sleep at night or look at myself in the mirror in the morning if I hounded an innocent man?

All I wanted to do was write - at the time poems and prose too. I guess my ambition was simply to make money however I could to keep myself going in some modest way and I didn't need much I was unmarried at the time no children.

Marriage - a book of which the first chapter is written in poetry and the remaining chapters in prose.

So my own suspicion is that the attorney has stopped this prosecution because part of her defence was to question legality and that would have brought his advice into the public domain again and there was something fishy about the way in which he said war was legal.

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You can have 10 bucks to 10 million bucks and if you got a crew imagination and a lot of people willing to turn in some work next to nothing you going to have a feature. But you can't get beyond how expensive marketing the movie is it's so crushing.