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I was sent to a nice Church of England girls' school and at that time after university a woman was expected to become a teacher a nurse or a missionary - prior to marriage.

Drones can be a highly effective way of dealing with high-priority targets but they should not become the drug of choice for an administration that is afraid to use successful legal and safe tactics of the past.

This was our last stop. This was it. We had those two embryos that we had banked prior to learning about the breast cancer and with the medicine she was on this was our last effort. The prayers were answered.

Also I'm always learning better and better how to prioritize and how to leave certain things for the next day.

All of this suggests that while citizens became more comfortable with President Bush after September 11 and thought him to have the requisite leadership skills they continue to harbor doubts about his priorities loyalties interests and policies.

The role of leadership is to transform the complex situation into small pieces and prioritize them.

Getting in touch with your true self must be your first priority.

His priority did not seem to be to teach them what he knew but rather to impress upon them that nothing not even... knowledge was foolproof.

The Committee's review of a series of intelligence shortcomings to include intelligence prior to 9/11 and the pre-war intelligence on Iraq clearly reveal how vital a diverse intelligence workforce is to our national security.

I want to improve TSA's counterterrorism focus through intelligence and cutting edge technology support the TSA workforce and strengthen the agency's relationships with stakeholders and the traveling public. All of these priorities are interconnected and are vital to TSA's mission - and I would say all of our collective mission.