Search For prepared In Quotes 103

Be prepared work hard and hope for a little luck. Recognize that the harder you work and the better prepared you are the more luck you might have.

Think about the comfortable feeling you have as you open your front door. That's but a hint of what we'll feel some day on arriving at the place our Father has lovingly and personally prepared for us in heaven. We will finally - and permanently - be 'at home' in a way that defies description.

Adoptive parents are taking on enormous responsibility both emotionally and financially. Quite frankly they need as much disclosure as possible about the child's background and health to assure the best fit and be prepared.

Seeds of great discoveries are constantly floating around us but they only take root in minds well prepared to receive them.

Unless you have prepared yourself to profit by your chance the opportunity will only make you ridiculous. A great occasion is valuable to you just in proportion as you have educated yourself to make use of it.

I am prepared to meet my Maker. Whether my Maker is prepared for the great ordeal of meeting me is another matter.

I cannot consent that my mortal body shall be laid in a repository prepared for an Emperor or a King my republican feelings and principles forbid it the simplicity of our system of government forbids it.

When you decide to get involved in a military operation in a place like Syria you've got to be prepared as we learned from Iraq and Afghanistan to become the government and I'm not sure any country either the United States or I don't hear of anyone else who's willing to take on that responsibility.

I don't believe in team motivation. I believe in getting a team prepared so it knows it will have the necessary confidence when it steps on a field and be prepared to play a good game.

There is a saying in Baltimore that crabs may be prepared in fifty ways and that all of them are good.