Search For prefer In Quotes 143

And if I had a preference it would be to be able to not be in the studio until 4 in the morning.

Sometimes when my mom finds a fun article and really wants me to read it I will. But I prefer to just kind of focus on what I want to do and not really what other people are saying because I don't want that to affect me too much.

I prefer to imagine that my wife a few friends and occasionally my mom are the only ones who read what I do though I realize that this is somewhat unrealistic.

I don't drink and I don't smoke. It's a personal preference. My mom has never drunk or smoked. I look up to my mom.

Punishment is now unfashionable... because it creates moral distinctions among men which to the democratic mind are odious. We prefer a meaningless collective guilt to a meaningful individual responsibility.

Timid men prefer the calm of despotism to the tempestuous sea of liberty.

Women thrive on novelty and are easy meat for the commerce of fashion. Men prefer old pipes and torn jackets.

Women prefer to talk in twos while men prefer to talk in threes.

So many people prefer to live in drama because it's comfortable. It's like someone staying in a bad marriage or relationship - it's actually easier to stay because they know what to expect every day versus leaving and not knowing what to expect.

If it were not for the presents an elopement would be preferable.