Search For preach In Quotes 53

I think that my preaching style and many of my ideas and ideals about faith are based in both Pentecostal and Baptist background.

I'm a private guy and you don't want to be out there preaching to people. But faith leads you in the decisions you make. You don't always pick the right path but it's there in your conscience.

From my experience politicians are much more uncomfortable being made fun of than they are being preached at and screeched at - you know and the soapbox routine. They're much more uneasy knowing they're a target of ridicule.

Why should we not expect self-designated environmental leaders to practice what they preach?

But I can only take so much TV because there is so much advice. I find people will preach about virtually anything - your diet how to live your life how to improve your golf. The lot. I have always had a thing against the Mister Know-It-Alls.

My dad never blew anything up but he probably had friends who did. He and my mom have always preached that the pen is mightier than a Molotov cocktail.

I made a decision when my father passed away that I was going to be who God made me to be and not try to preach like my father.

Their spirituality was in nature even though Emerson was a preacher on the pulpit he ended up going out into nature for direct face-to-face communication with God if you want to call all of this creation part of God.

There is small risk a general will be regarded with contempt by those he leads if whatever he may have to preach he shows himself best able to perform.

The best sermon is preached by the minister who has a sermon to preach and not by the man who has to preach a sermon.

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As we divest ourselves of once familiar physical objects - digitize and dematerialize - we approach a 'Star Trek' future in which everything can be accessed from the fourth dimension with a few clicks or terse audibles.