Search For powerful In Quotes 234

I told my father to stop smoking around the age of two or three years old and he stopped smoking. So the relationship between the kid and the parent is very powerful and if you give the kid the right information it can be very useful to the family.

This is a very important relationship we have with Russia the relationship over the nuclear arsenal that they have obviously is important. They're a very powerful country.

Why should a great and powerful nation like the United States allow its relationship with more than a billion Muslims around the world to be defined by the narrow hatred and nihilistic actions of an exceptionally small minority of Muslims?

The relationship between Israel and the United States is a bond of - it's just a very powerful bond. It was it is and will be and will continue to be.

We say no to lots of things that would please us. I would like to punch people every now and then but I don't. I would like to have something for free rather than pay for it. I would like to skip to the front of the line... I don't mean to brush aside the taste of meat which is a powerful attraction. But its power is not without limit.

The only prize much cared for by the powerful is power.

Most powerful is he who has himself in his own power.

The media's the most powerful entity on earth. They have the power to make the innocent guilty and to make the guilty innocent and that's power. Because they control the minds of the masses.

To dance is to be out of yourself. Larger more beautiful more powerful. This is power it is glory on earth and it is yours for the taking.

Powerful people cannot afford to educate the people that they oppress because once you are truly educated you will not ask for power. You will take it.

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Everyone has a breaking point turning point stress point the game is permeated with it. The fans don't see it because we make it look so efficient. But internally for a guy to be successful you have to be like a clock spring wound but not loose at the same time.