Search For plate In Quotes 57

In my family we let our boys have a say in what veggie side they want for dinner that night. We list off a handful of options and get them excited about helping to plan the dinner menu. They're much more inclined to finish their plates when they've helped decide what goes on them.

At an incredibly divisive point in pop history Donna Summer managed to create an undeniable across-the-board experience of mass pleasure - after 'Bad Girls ' nobody ever tried claiming disco sucked again. It set the template for what Michael Jackson would do a few months later with 'Off The Wall.'

Ultimately it's possible that social media platforms will be designed as templates that the users themselves customize in terms of the best way to express their community and experience of life and brands will have to simply follow suit.

I have been following a vegan diet now since the 1980s and find it not only healthier but also much more attractive than the chunks of meat that were on my plate as a child.

I think that much of this was running in background as I contemplated whether or not to attend the PS 99 reunion although I certainly anticipated that I would not it smelled like death not youth.

Death is an endless night so awful to contemplate that it can make us love life and value it with such passion that it may be the ultimate cause of all joy and all art.

The only time I think about life beyond F1 is when I contemplate becoming a dad. But there's no way that's going to happen while I'm still racing. To be successful in F1 you need to be very selfish in lots of ways and you're away from home for long periods. That's not the kind of father I want to be.

Employee fathers need to step up to the plate and put their family needs on the table.

If you've ever made change in the offering plate you might be a redneck.

Beauty in things exists in the mind which contemplates them.

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For 13 to be unlucky would require there to be some kind of cosmic intelligence that counts things that humans count and that also makes certain things happen on certain dates or in certain places according to whether the number 13 'is involved' or not (whatever 'is involved' might mean).