Search For places In Quotes 184

The state of New Jersey is really two places - terrible cities and wonderful suburbs. I live in the suburbs the final battleground of the American dream where people get married and have kids and try to scratch out a happy life for themselves. It's very romantic in that way but a bit naive. I like to play with that in my work.

I think in New York we had respect and we would pretty much fill up the places where we went but I never got the sense that we really were Number 1 here in New York among the Latin crowds.

I travel around the world experiencing every language every religion... some places where there's just no reason to smile because their lives are so difficult.

I am looking for a character that connects to me on some level. It has to be about something it has to have depth to it and it has to be about something. The story of the character and their relationship with the people and places around them appeal to me and are what I look for.

I feel like the people from Iceland have a different relationship with their country than other places. Most Icelandic people are really proud to be from there and we don't have embarrassments like World War II where we were cruel to other people.

The places I visit in any given week are my home so when I'm somewhere that feels good to me it's a real game changer. If a place causes me to have a strong reaction be it positive or negative it'll often find its way into my music.

I think one of the most threatening places to be in politics is a black conservative because there are so many liberals who want to continue to reinforce a stereotype that doesn't exist about America.

I tend to avoid televisions politics and places with velvet ropes.

In most places in the country voting is looked upon as a right and a duty but in Chicago it's a sport.

The darkest places in hell are reserved for those who maintain their neutrality in times of moral crisis.