Search For peaceful In Quotes 58

The space and light up there in Norfolk is wonderfully peaceful. I find myself doing funny things like gardening and cooking which I rarely do in London.

It is strange. I see all the privileges and greatness of the future. It already looks grand beautiful. Tell them I went lovingly trustfully peacefully.

I remember listening to the radio as a kid and finding that the songs always made me feel more peaceful. Funny but the more hurtin' the music was the better it made me feel. I think of that now when I write my songs. I may not be feelin' the blues myself but I'm writing them for other people who have a hard life.

China has been committed to the independent foreign policy of peace and has developed friendship and cooperation with all countries on the basis of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence.

The fight for freedom must go on until it is won until our country is free and happy and peaceful as part of the community of man we cannot rest.

A man who is not afraid is not aggressive a man who has no sense of fear of any kind is really a free a peaceful man.

I don't believe in being mean to anyone. I'm a really peaceful person. That's something I get from my family.

I just want to be healthy and stay alive and keep my family going and everything and keep my friends going and try to do something so that this world will be peaceful. That is the most ambitious and the most difficult thing but I'm there trying to do it.

Although a man may wear fine clothing if he lives peacefully and is good self-possessed has faith and is pure and if he does not hurt any living being he is a holy man.

Surfing soothes me it's always been a kind of Zen experience for me. The ocean is so magnificent peaceful and awesome. The rest of the world disappears for me when I'm on a wave.