Search For papers In Quotes 60

We believe that peace is not just signed papers but rather a contract between generations for the building of a more promising and less threatening future.

I've thought for the last decade or so the only actual place raw truth was seeping through in newspapers was on the Comics Pages. They were able to pull off intelligent social comment pure truths not found elsewhere in the news pages and had the ability to make it all funny entertaining and pertinent.

If newspapers were a baseball team they would be the Mets - without the hope for those folks at the very pinnacle of the financial food chain - who average nearly $24 million a year in income - 'next year.'

Chronic malnutrition or the lack of proper nutrition over time directly contributes to three times as many child deaths as food scarcity. Yet surprisingly you don't really hear about this hidden crisis through the morning news Twitter or headlines of major newspapers.

The press attack people to sell more papers without thinking but when you get famous you have to put up with this kind of stuff.

But I know newspapers. They have the first amendment and they can tell any lie knowing it's a lie and they're protected if the person's famous or it's a company.

I think newspapers shouldn't try to compete directly with the Web and should do what they can do better which may be long-form journalism and using photos and art and making connections with large-form graphics and really enhancing the tactile experience of paper.

If the education of our kids comes from radio television newspapers - if that's where they get most of their knowledge from and not from the schools then the powers that be are definitely in charge because they own all those outlets.

The Washington black community was able to succeed beyond his wildest dreams. I mean we had our own newspapers our own restaurants our own theaters our own small shops our own clubs our own Masonic lodges.

I'm afraid that this is me getting on my high horse now but we have yob television yob newspapers and funny enough whereas it was my mum and dad school police church who used to set the standards now it's tabloids and yob television who set the standards by which people live.