Search For overwhelming In Quotes 53

As a former recipient of these services I can honestly say that the overwhelming majority of TANF recipients are hard-working Americans who are down on their luck and just want an opportunity to better their lives and those of their family through work and access to education.

Just really really believe in what you're trying to do. Don't let people alter that. Let people advise you and lead you down paths to make smart business decisions. But trust your instinct and trust that overwhelming drive that made you put all your dreams and everything on the line.

There's a joy and a pain about directing where the dreams you have are becoming concrete but the attention to detail the need for time is such that it's overwhelming at times and the stream of responsibility.

But there's no substitute for a full-time dad. Dads who are fully engaged with their kids overwhelmingly tend to produce children who believe in themselves and live full lives.

Success is not measured by what you accomplish but by the opposition you have encountered and the courage with which you have maintained the struggle against overwhelming odds.

All of a sudden Hulk Hogan has become retro. Hulk Hogan has become cool again. So to come out and to hear how loud the fans are. To hear how loyal the fans are it's truly overwhelming. I just can't believe I've been reborn in the WWE.

I have always argued that change becomes stressful and overwhelming only when you've lost any sense of the constancy of your life. You need firm ground to stand on. From there you can deal with that change.

Often times when you face such an overwhelming challenge as global climate change it can be somewhat daunting - it's kind of like trying to lose weight which I know something about.

We were astonished by the beauty and refinement of the art displayed by the objects surpassing all we could have imagined - the impression was overwhelming.

I'm definitely doing better. I never realized that I would get the support that I've gotten from everybody - from my fans to people that I've idolized my whole life. So it's overwhelming it's amazing and I believe that everything happens for a reason so I'm in a really good place right now.