Search For organ In Quotes 350

An organization which claims to be working for the needs of a community - as SNCC does - must work to provide that community with a position of strength from which to make its voice heard. This is the significance of black power beyond the slogan.

Every social organisation which is rooted in life still lasts a long time even after the conditions from which it drew its strength have changed in a manner unfavourable to it.

Women have seldom sufficient employment to silence their feelings a round of little cares or vain pursuits frittering away all strength of mind and organs they become naturally only objects of sense.

There is always strength in numbers. The more individuals or organizations that you can rally to your cause the better.

The five separate fingers are five independent units. Close them and the fist multiplies strength. This is organization.

From the depth of need and despair people can work together can organize themselves to solve their own problems and fill their own needs with dignity and strength.

Organic buildings are the strength and lightness of the spiders' spinning buildings qualified by light bred by native character to environment married to the ground.

The Women's Sports Foundation holds a unique position in developing opportunities for girls and women of all abilities to be active whether recreationally or competitively and I'm excited to help lead the organization to impact even more lives. It is an honor to continue to build the legacy created by Billie Jean King and all of our leaders.

Of course in our grade school in those days there were no organized sports at all. We just went out and ran around the school yard for recess.

I would love to be associated with some sports organization. I was a journalism major. That's kind of intriguing to do something in the political-commentary arena.