Search For ordinary In Quotes 171

Now I think poetry will save nothing from oblivion but I keep writing about the ordinary because for me it's the home of the extraordinary the only home.

I often imagine that the longer he studies English literature the more the Japanese student must be astonished at the extraordinary predominance given to the passion of love both in fiction and in poetry.

Poetry is ordinary language raised to the Nth power. Poetry is boned with ideas nerved and blooded with emotions all held together by the delicate tough skin of words.

It often happens that when a person possesses a particular ability to an extraordinary degree nature makes up for it by leaving him or her incompetent in every other department.

I think ABBA have a pure joy to their music and that's what makes them extraordinary.

Music is an extraordinary vehicle for expressing emotion - very powerful emotions. That's what draws millions of people towards it. And um I found myself always going for these darker places and - people identify with that.

Extraordinary how potent cheap music is.

In terms of number of movies I've been in an extraordinary amount. If you count only the minutes I'm onscreen it's not so long.

You know when Hollywood does a great big blockbuster that really wraps you up in a world and lets you believe in extraordinary things that move you in some way in an almost operatic sensibility? That to me is the most fun I have at the movies.

I like action movies even though I think action movies are kind of derided now. But there is something extraordinary about action movies which is absolutely linked to the invention of cinema and what cinema is and why we love it.