Search For operation In Quotes 106

Understanding the laws of nature does not mean that we are immune to their operations.

Though force can protect in emergency only justice fairness consideration and cooperation can finally lead men to the dawn of eternal peace.

It has been suggested at various times that I should start an operation in the United Kingdom but - bearing in mind my age and medical history - I think this would be not a very sensible way to go forward.

Medical physicists work in cooperation with doctors. A few medical physicists devote their time to research and teaching. A few get involved with administrative duties.

I have written two medical novels. I have never studied medicine never seen an operation.

When I told my doctor I couldn't afford an operation he offered to touch-up my X-rays.

Alcohol is the anesthesia by which we endure the operation of life.

I also urge the Obama administration - both on its own and in cooperation with other responsible governments around the world - to use all legal means necessary to shut down WikiLeaks before it can do more damage by releasing additional cables. WikiLeaks' activities represent a shared threat to collective international security.

Al Qaeda is not the organization now that it was before. It is under stress organizationally. Its leadership spends more time trying to figure out how to keep from getting caught than they do trying to launch operations.

I think that all areas of the budget have to be scrubbed. Clearly the entitlement issues have to be reformed and that's an issue that's going to require I think some strong bipartisan cooperation and leadership.