Search For native In Quotes 108

Learning a foreign language and the culture that goes with it is one of the most useful things we can do to broaden the empathy and imaginative sympathy and cultural outlook of children.

We should see the leadership from the White House setting dates certain for certain goals of achieving greater alliance on alternative and renewable energy sources but we are not.

Learn from me if not by my precepts then by my example how dangerous is the pursuit of knowledge and how much happier is that man who believes his native town to be the world than he who aspires to be greater than his nature will allow.

The negative cost of Lewis and Clark entering the Garden of Eden is that later expeditions regardless of what they were intended to do later expeditions did not deal with the native peoples with the intelligence with the almost kindly resolve that Lewis and Clark did.

I've always felt in all my books that there's a deep decency in the American people and a native intelligence - providing they have the facts providing they have the information.

Works of imagination should be written in very plain language the more purely imaginative they are the more necessary it is to be plain.

It is not that the child lives in a world of imagination but that the child within us survives and starts into life only at rare moments of recollection which makes us believe and it is not true that as children we were imaginative?

Having imagination it takes you an hour to write a paragraph that if you were unimaginative would take you only a minute.

The most imaginative people are the most credulous for them everything is possible.

In prehistoric times mankind often had only two choices in crisis situations: fight or flee. In modern times humor offers us a third alternative fight flee - or laugh.

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The TV business is like the produce section of the market. Today everything is fresh and glistening and firm. And tomorrow when they find a bruise on you they toss you out.