Search For motivation In Quotes 61

If faith is your motivation share that.

Y'know the real reason why I was such a failure in the sense of being unable to make any sort of a living was because I was really not motivated. I had no motivation.

I went to a motivational training course once a course of self-discovery and I found out after a week that my fear - it was not a fear of not being accepted - was a very violent fear of failure.

I fear that our true motivation is about oil and our own flailing economy about the failure to destroy Al Qaeda and about revenge.

In my experience there is only one motivation and that is desire. No reasons or principle contain it or stand against it.

A great deal has been written in recent years about the purported lack of motivation in the children of the Negro ghettos. Little in my experience supports this yet the phrase has been repeated endlessly and the blame in almost all cases is placed somewhere outside the classroom.

In the new economy information education and motivation are everything.

If someone is going down the wrong road he doesn't need motivation to speed him up. What he needs is education to turn him around.

It's a complex relationship when your dad happened to be president and you are president and then you have all the amateur psychology that goes on when people try to speculate about motivations.

I think sometimes I guess you see records say you want to get there and use that as motivation. In a way it's kind of cool if there is a possibility to rewrite history and be up there with the greats of Olympic history.