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Romantic love is an illusion. Most of us discover this truth at the end of a love affair or else when the sweet emotions of love lead us into marriage and then turn down their flames.

There is always something ridiculous about the emotions of people whom one has ceased to love.

I just got one last thing I urge all of you all of you to enjoy your life the precious moments you have. To spend each day with some laughter and some thought to get you're emotions going.

Learning about the way people process information and their emotions is hugely helpful to my work.

The degree of one's emotions varies inversely with one's knowledge of the facts.

Obviously in dealing with a relationship sexuality has to be involved and jealousy and emotions like that. And I don't know I've always been intrigued by those emotions.

There are so many things a large intelligence espionage organization can do to justify its existence that people can get promotions for because it could result in results.

Your intellect may be confused but your emotions will never lie to you.

Obviously the imagination is fueled by emotions beyond the control of the conscious mind.

Maybe there's a chance to get back to grown-up films. Anything that uses humor and dramatic values to deal with human emotions and gets down to what people are to people.

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Of the 55 refineries closed in America in the last 10 years they were all closed for economic reasons mostly oil company mergers. Not a single one was closed for environmental purposes or objections.