Search For merit In Quotes 46

It is the business of the future to be dangerous and it is among the merits of science that it equips the future for its duties.

The unions say 'last hired - first fired ' we say hire and fire based on merit. We want the best and brightest in the classroom.

Certainly the best works and of greatest merit for the public have proceeded from the unmarried or childless men.

The person who knows one thing and does it better than anyone else even if it only be the art of raising lentils receives the crown he merits. If he raises all his energy to that end he is a benefactor of mankind and its rewarded as such.

In art all who have done something other than their predecessors have merited the epithet of revolutionary and it is they alone who are masters.

Liberal that I am I support health-care reform on its merits alone. My liberal blood boils for example when I read that half of the personal bankruptcies in this country are brought on in part by medical expenses.

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There is a film called 'A Separation.' If you see it playing go see it. It's beautiful. It's so well written and the acting is amazing. It's one of those films that you would love to be a part of.