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On August 28 2010 Fox News messiah Glenn Beck hosted a 'Restoring Honor' revival meeting featuring sexy guest star Sarah Palin much as Bob Hope would roll out Raquel Welch in white go-go boots on his U.S.O. tours to give our fighting men a morale lift in their khakis.

We would not be interested in human beings if we did not have the hope of someday meeting someone worse off than ourselves.

I spend plenty of time in London and it doesn't scare me but it's a lonely place even if you've got friends there. My job takes me all around the world meeting lots of interesting people. But I think if I couldn't get home if I couldn't get back to what I consider my real life I'd be frightened.

For all history up to the end of the Cold War summit meetings were historic and dramatic occasions when leaders who controlled the destiny of much of the world met to change the world.

I feel like I'm part of history being made. I leave Apple board meetings thinking 'I've got to do a better job.'

We've had Town Hall meetings we've witnessed election after election in which the American people have taken a position on the President's health care bill. And the bottom line is the people don't like this bill. They don't want it.

For my part I do not feel that the scheme of future happiness which ought by rights to be in preparation for me will be at all interfered with by my not meeting again the man I have in my. mind.

I am prepared to meet my Maker. Whether my Maker is prepared for the great ordeal of meeting me is another matter.

Concerns about the size and role of government are what seem to leave reformers stammering and speechless in town-hall meetings. The right wants to have a debate over fundamental principles elected Democrats seem incapable of giving it to them.

The thing is Obama is right that it would be a calamity for the government to default on its debt by not meeting its obligations. Such a thing has never happened and can't be allowed to happen.

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The great thing about it is in Hollywood certain people are very good at keeping their lives and who they are very private. I've never met anybody as down to earth and cool in Hollywood than Matt Damon.