Search For likes In Quotes 61

There's a schizoid streak within the family anyway so I dare say that I'm affected by that. The majority of the people in my family have been in some kind of mental institution as for my brother he doesn't want to leave. He likes it very much.

No man likes to have his intelligence or good faith questioned especially if he has doubts about it himself.

Bad faith likes discourse on friendship and loyalty.

I always thought that one of the reasons why a painter likes especially to have other painters look at his or her work is the shared experience of having pushed paint around.

The child who desires education will be bettered by it the child who dislikes it disgraced.

Women always try to see the one good part of The Weird Guy because the dating landscape is so bleak. Women will say 'He's very odd but he likes to cook. He's creepy but he makes good pancakes!'

I know I'm 25 now but there's still that little lad inside me who likes his dad there to see him.

I can definitely tell when mum has got money because then she likes to go shopping to spend it whereas dad is steadier and avoids splurges. I like to think I've inherited both sides.

My dad says he likes to bask in my glow.

There's only one thing worse than a man who doesn't have strong likes and dislikes and that's a man who has strong likes and dislikes without the courage to voice them.