Search For keepin In Quotes 117

I'm a soccer mom. I'm T-ball soccer karate homework keeping them on their schedules. I love being the snack mom when I get to bring the cut oranges. I have one of those coolers with wheels. I'm at every game every practice sitting on my blanket. I love it.

A key to keeping your husband is getting him to miss you. That keeps a marriage fresh.

Marriage is nature's way of keeping us from fighting with strangers.

A broad margin of leisure is as beautiful in a man's life as in a book. Haste makes waste no less in life than in housekeeping. Keep the time observe the hours of the universe not of the cars.

Who most benefits from keeping marijuana illegal? The greatest beneficiaries are the major criminal organizations in Mexico and elsewhere that earn billions of dollars annually from this illicit trade - and who would rapidly lose their competitive advantage if marijuana were a legal commodity.

Most sailing ships take what they call trainees who pay to be part of the crew. The Picton Castle takes people who are absolutely raw recruits. But you can't just ride along. You're learning to steer the ship navigation you're pulling lines keeping a lookout in the galley you're cooking.

Also the more you're not focused on showbiz and instead focused on life learning about other people and keeping your eyes open and trying to be aware of the world.

By keeping my hand in that it's the way I keep learning. The main way you learn in medicine is by practicing and working with patients.

I'm learning the power of going away for the weekend and keeping myself company.

The key to being a good manager is keeping the people who hate me away from those who are still undecided.