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Marriage has been defined by every legislature that has ever sat in the United States from every State now 50 States the same way but now we have unelected judges altering and changing that fundamental institution.

Religious institutions should have religious freedom on this issue. No church or minister should ever have to conduct a marriage that is inconsistent with their religious beliefs. But I think as a civil institution this issue's time has come and we need to move forward.

I'm not that big a fan of marriage as an institution and I don't know why women need to have children to be seen as complete human beings.

There is no doubt that as a society we have become blase about the importance of marriage as a stabilising influence and less inclined to prize it as a worthwhile institution.

Instead I think over the years we have cut the strength of marriage and relationships by the law and weakened the institution. We have tried to deal with relationships with no-fault divorce with child custody with so many other avenues and it has not helped.

We can practice tolerance while still holding true to cultural values that protect the institution of marriage as a union between only a man and a woman.

A lot of people seem to want to make the institution of marriage substitute for a real relationship.

When I talk about the importance of the institution of marriage I think of the commitment and the significance of standing in front of those closest to you and promising fidelity to your partner 'til death do you part.'

Marriage is an institution and that's where a couple finish up.

I think the institution of marriage is a great idea but for me it's just an idea.