Leadership is simply the ability of an individual to coalesce the efforts of other individuals toward achieving common goals. It boils down to looking after your people and ensuring that from top to bottom everyone feels part of the team.
On the other hand the waging of peace as a science as an art is in its infancy. But we can trace its growth its steady progress and the time will come when there will be particular individuals designated to assume responsibility for and leadership of this movement.
It is the responsibility of leadership to provide opportunity and the responsibility of individuals to contribute.
In order to cultivate a set of leaders with legitimacy in the eyes of the citizenry it is necessary that the path to leadership be visibly open to talented and qualified individuals of every race and ethnicity.
This also turned out to be negative so there is no material in the Central Intelligence Agency either in the records or in the mind of any of the individuals that there was any contact had or even contemplated with him.
The actions that we take on the counterterrorism front again are to take actions against individuals where we believe that the intelligence base is so strong and the nature of the threat is so grave and serious as well as imminent that we have no recourse except to take this action that may involve a lethal strike.
I'm an optimist in the sense that I believe humans are noble and honorable and some of them are really smart. I have a very optimistic view of individuals.
What is true of the individual will be tomorrow true of the whole nation if individuals will but refuse to lose heart and hope.
Revolutions are the periods of history when individuals count most.
I believe that we must maintain pride in the knowledge that the actions we take based on our own decisions and choices as individuals link directly to the magnificent challenge of transforming human history.