Search For heard In Quotes 165

I dabbled in things like Howlin' Wolf Cream and Led Zeppelin but when I heard Son House and Robert Johnson it blew my mind. It was something I'd been missing my whole life. That music made me discard everything else and just get down to the soul and honesty of the blues.

Some of the greatest blues music is some of the darkest music you've ever heard.

I got interested in the idea of music that could make itself in a sense in the mid 1960s really when I first heard composers like Terry Riley and when I first started playing with tape recorders.

Music I heard with you was more than music and bread I broke with you was more than bread. Now that I am without you all is desolate all that was once so beautiful is dead.

Have you listened to the radio lately? Have you heard the canned frozen and processed product being dished up to the world as American popular music today?

It was Elvis who really got me hooked on beat music. When I heard 'Heartbreak Hotel' I thought this is it.

All music is folk music. I ain't never heard a horse sing a song.

I feel good about being able to take bluegrass on to television like 'Letterman' and 'The View ' and I've heard nice things about being able to do that. I really haven't felt any negativity toward me or my music.

I listened motionless and still And as I mounted up the hill The music in my heart I bore Long after it was heard no more.

Music in the soul can be heard by the universe.