Search For frame In Quotes 67

One important theme is the extent to which one can ever correct an error especially outside any frame of religious forgiveness. All of us have done something we regret - how we manage to remove that from our conscience or whether that's even possible interested me.

The development of the food industry for both domestic and export markets relies on a regulatory framework that both protects the consumer and assures fair trading practices in food.

I've always done food that can work in a set time frame. The message I'm trying to get across is it doesn't have to take three days to do this. With planning you can do a lot and really have quality food every day.

It is a measure of the framers' fear that a passing majority might find it expedient to compromise 4th Amendment values that these values were embodied in the Constitution itself.

A cheerful frame of mind reinforced by relaxation... is the medicine that puts all ghosts of fear on the run.

I believe that the Framers of the Constitution made their intent clear when they wrote the First Amendment. I believe they wanted to keep the new government from endorsing one religion over another not erase the public consciousness or common faith.

I want the French people to respect values that allow each individual to practice his or her faith but in the frame of our common rules of secularism.

Choose your friends with caution plan your future with purpose and frame your life with faith.

Our solution on 'The Simpsons' is to do jokes that people who have an education or some frame of reference can get. And for the ones who don't it doesn't matter because we have Homer banging his head and saying 'D'oh!'

Each man should frame life so that at some future hour fact and his dreaming meet.