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I am fascinated by all the new technology that creates places for us to meet in what is called cyberspace. I understand what it must have meant for the rebellions in the 19th century especially in 1830 and 1848 when the mass circulated newspaper became so important for the spreading of information.

We had to address information technology in the ways we had not before and give the agents the tools that they need to do their job more efficiently and more expeditiously.

It is impossible to work in information technology without also engaging in social engineering.

The number one benefit of information technology is that it empowers people to do what they want to do. It lets people be creative. It lets people be productive. It lets people learn things they didn't think they could learn before and so in a sense it is all about potential.

The reason is that till date in spite of advances in information technology and strategies of information the written word in the form of books still remains one of humanity's most enduring legacies.

There is an enormous market demand for information. It just has to be fulfilled in a way that fits with the technology of our times.

In today's knowledge-based economy what you earn depends on what you learn. Jobs in the information technology sector for example pay 85 percent more than the private sector average.

It's hard to pay attention these days because of multiple affects of the information technology nowadays. You tend to develop a faster speedier mind but I don't think it's necessarily broader or smarter.

It's impossible to move to live to operate at any level without leaving traces bits seemingly meaningless fragments of personal information.

Getting information off the Internet is like taking a drink from a fire hydrant.