Search For favor In Quotes 214

I love Valentine's Day! I love it I love it I love it. I like having doors opened for me. My favorite romantic comedy is 'When Harry Met Sally.'

I confess I am a romantic. I love romance and I think it's really fun and delicious and some of my favorite films are love stories. I think that you just get a chance to fall in love with the characters so much and you get to explore their lives so deeply.

What I'd really like to write is a romantic comedy. This is my favorite kind of movie. I feel almost embarrassed revealing this because the genre has been so degraded in the past twenty years that saying you like romantic comedies is essentially an admission of mild stupidity.

I think romantic comedy when done right is my favorite genre. It's just a genre that's very human.

Larry Kasdan has made some of my favorite movies of all time so just to be working with him was a pleasure. Now that I have I not only respect his work but I just love and respect him as a person.

I have the most respect for Zach Woodlee. He is one of my favorite - and one of the most capable - choreographers out there right now.

I read Christopher McDougall's book 'Born to Run.' If running were a religion this would be its bible. I actually scribbled my favorite passages on my arm to read during the race.

With Hitchcock I had little relationship. I was called to replace Bernard Herrmann his favorite composer in Torn Curtain after the bitter fight between them.

Favored Nations is a long-term commitment. Our hope is that those who are passionate about real musicianship will want to hear and own most of our albums. We will set out to attain the same direct relationship with our customers that we have with our artists.

I lived to play basketball. Growing up as a kid Bill Russell and the Boston Celtics were my favorite team. The way they played the teamwork the sacrifice the commitment the joy the camaraderie the relationship with the fans.

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If the Liberals' law is passed will sex education in the schools including elementary grades include the same portrayals of sexual activity which presently exist in heterosexual instruction? Will there be the same presentation of homosexual activity? Of course there will.