Search For exploit In Quotes 51

Our economic system run for profit and waste and based primarily on the extractive industries is the cause of climate change. We have wasted the earth's treasure and we can no longer exploit it cheaply.

I came to poetry through the urgent need to denounce injustice exploitation humiliation. I know that's not enough to change the world. But to remain silent would have been a kind of intolerable complicity.

Exploiting people's emotions of fear envy and anxiety is not hope it's not change it's partisanship. We don't need partisanship. We don't need demagoguery we need solutions.

The entrepreneur always searches for change responds to it and exploits it as an opportunity.

The sport of horse racing which at its best showcases the majestic beauty of this animal and the athleticism of jockeys has reached an alarming level of corruption and exploitation.

If you can kill animals the same attitude can kill human beings. The mentality is the same which exploits nature and which creates wars.

Any fool can have bad luck the art consists in knowing how to exploit it.

Art seduces but does not exploit.

I also had to work through the violation of my date rape my unhealthy relationships with men my anger toward the people involved in the scandal and those who exploited me afterwards.

I love getting dressed up. Being a pop star is the most brilliant job for that. A lot of girls love shopping but they might see the most amazing outfit and think 'When am I going to wear that?' so it's my duty to exploit the fact I do have events I can wear these things to.

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At best the family teaches the finest things human beings can learn from one another generosity and love. But it is also all too often where we learn nasty things like hate rage and shame.