Search For exhaust In Quotes 52

I've been dating since I was fifteen. I'm exhausted. Where is he?

But when you're a working actor - and that's what you keep saying in your head how blessed you are to have a job - and you are working with heavyweights working with the best guys in TV it's pretty cool. Exhausting but cool.

Except for politics no business is scrutinized more exhaustively than journalism.

After you have exhausted what there is in business politics conviviality and so on - have found that none of these finally satisfy or permanently wear - what remains? Nature remains.

Interventions are really emotionally exhausting and I would never ever want to have one. In the same way I would never want to have a surprise birthday party. That would be horrible.

It is our best work that God wants not the dregs of our exhaustion. I think he must prefer quality to quantity.

It is conventional to call 'monster' any blending of dissonant elements. I call 'monster' every original inexhaustible beauty.

Time extracts various values from a painter's work. When these values are exhausted the pictures are forgotten and the more a picture has to give the greater it is.

Although you may spend your life killing You will not exhaust all your foes. But if you quell your own anger your real enemy will be slain.

I'm a workaholic. Before long I'm traveling on my nervous energy alone. This is incredibly exhausting.

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In America we have so many movies and so much media about the Islamic world the sub-continental world but it's not a conversation it's a monologue. It's always from one point of view. 'If we don't tell our own stories no one will tell them' is my mantra.