Search For double In Quotes 58

I have no physical courage I've asked for a double.

I don't want to get into the 'who's a hostage-taker' discussion here but what is the estate tax? It's a double tax on death. Economists will tell you that it's really not a tax that soaks the rich but it's a tax on capital that deprives business investment and therefore job creation.

A gift with a kind countenance is a double present.

The double hundred Fowler hit in the Madras Test was an absolute beauty.

Art has a double face of expression and illusion just like science has a double face: the reality of error and the phantom of truth.

Freedom in art freedom in society this is the double goal towards which all consistent and logical minds must strive.

That's double-edged: it's amazing that they're bringing me in and showing people new ideas and at the same time it's a little hard because seventy percent of the time or even higher I'm not going to get those roles.

I come back to the same thing: We've got the greatest pipeline in the company's history in the next 12 months and we've had the most amazing financial results possible over the last five years and we're predicting being back at double-digit revenue growth in fiscal year '06.

First of all plain and simple you have no real idea of what it means to be famous until you become famous. It's a double-edged sword. Obviously there are a lot of amazing things about fame but there are also a lot of challenging things about it.

Remember the burden of sorrow is doubled when it is borne alone.