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I am not officially involved now in the direction of the Teen Challenge ministry but I rejoice that God permits me to be the father of these ministries.

I would like to see every parent either directly - if they are comfortable with the technology - or through a personal tutor being able to access real-time information about their child.

The way you want to respond is to ask a question: Is this technology directly relevant to our hedgehog concept? If the answer is YES then we want to become pioneers not in the technology but in the application of that technology specifically linked to our hedgehog concept.

I remember feeling that technology was like trying to draw with your foot. In a ski boot. It was the most indirect way to work imaginable but the potential had us all excited. I started in stop motion.

There's evidence of a social decline in direct proportion to technology and the industrialization of the motion picture industry.

I'm always interested in mixing technology and music. You know maybe I'll have a MIDI bass pickup at some point I don't really think that's the direction I would want to go.

Historically the director has been the key creative element in a film and we must maintain that. We must protect that in spite of the fact that there is new technology that's continually trying to erode that.

A molecular manufacturing technology will let us build molecular surgical tools and those tools will for the first time let us directly address the problems at the very root level.

I was raised in New York City and raised in the New York City theater world. My father was a theater director and an acting teacher and it was not uncommon for me to have long discussions about the method and what the various different processes were to finding a character and exploring character and realizing that character.

We do not learn by inference and deduction and the application of mathematics to philosophy but by direct intercourse and sympathy.