Search For deals In Quotes 95

Because management deals mostly with the status quo and leadership deals mostly with change in the next century we are going to have to try to become much more skilled at creating leaders.

Throughout the past there has been a lack of intimacy affection and regard for Islam by Christianity. This to a large extent has been due to a lack of knowledge of the great human and spiritual ideals for which Islam and the teachings of Islam stand.

But the egoist has no ideals for the knowledge that his ideals are only his ideals frees him from their domination. He acts for his own interest not for the interest of ideals.

By definition intelligence deals with the unclear the unknown the deliberately hidden. What the enemies of the United States hope to deny we work to reveal.

Our ideals are our better selves.

I thought I had to make an impact on history. I had to become the greatest choreographer of my time. That was my mission. Posterity deals with us however it sees fit. But I gave it 20 years of my best shot.

America is the greatest nation ever founded. The ideals are the greatest ever espoused in human history and we just need the country to live up to them. But what I worry about are the 1 million black men in the prison system.

Those were the ideals that drove us to nationalization of the health service.

Today we stand as a united country and are much closer to the ideals set forth in our Constitution that all men are created equal that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights that among these are life liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

One of the great strengths of the United States is... we have a very large Christian population - we do not consider ourselves a Christian nation or a Jewish nation or a Muslim nation. We consider ourselves a nation of citizens who are bound by ideals and a set of values.

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I really like being pregnant. Not that there aren't things I don't love but when I think about what my body is doing - creating a child - it just blows my mind. I'm in awe of the process and science.