Search For dates In Quotes 58

The reason that minorities and women don't have a better shot at getting elected to the Senate or to statewide office is because the campaign finance rules are so skewed as to make it very difficult for non-traditional candidates to raise the money necessary to get elected.

Crime in full glory consolidates authority by the sacred fear it inspires.

I love being famous. It validates that I have something to say.

Dates with actors finally just seemed to me evenings of shop talk. I got sick of it after a hile. So the more famous I became the more I narrowed down my choices.

My goals have changed throughout my life. At one time it was winning awards selling out concert dates selling more albums than anyone else. Now my goals are to see my grandchildren grown live a long and healthy life with my family and friends and travel the world.

It's important to ask candidates about their beliefs in part because politicians frequently exploit religious faith - often with the idea that voters will be more likely to unthinkingly accept certain political positions so long as they arise from religious belief.

Each party steals so many articles of faith from the other and the candidates spend so much time making each other's speeches that by the time election day is past there is nothing much to do save turn the sitting rascals out and let a new gang in.

Taylor Swift dates guys so she can write a breakup song about them. I don't think she's dating for love - I think she's dating for creativity. So let's get her off the market and put her in dating detox. If she really wants love she has to stop writing music about them.

That's what my Dad always told me on the ballot they should always have a third choice like none of the above then if enough people picked that they'd have to get new candidates.

I could not tell you the date of my mother's death. I could not tell you the date of my dad's death. These are not dates that I find significant.