Search For contract In Quotes 54

Never contract friendship with a man that is not better than thyself.

Only free men can negotiate prisoners cannot enter into contracts. Your freedom and mine cannot be separated.

Statistics show that of those who contract the habit of eating very few survive.

I'm very excited about my new agreement with the Heat. This contract allows me to address all of my family's long-term financial goals while allowing the Heat the ability to acquire those players that we need to win a championship.

More and more companies are reaching out to their suppliers and contractors to work jointly on issues of sustainability environmental responsibility ethics and compliance.

IBM was the original contractor for much of the computer interface design on the film.

When the courts decide that murderers rapists and others who maliciously break our social contract deserve health care that most working Americans can't afford they are condemning good people to death.

My grandmother was an actress too. In the thirties and forties she was under contract with Universal Studios. Crazy credits lots of them. My dad was also under contract with Universal Studios. And my first film was shot on the same stage they both worked on at Universal.

If your goal is to be the biggest movie star in the world a 10-movie contract is gold. It was never my goal. Up until now I made movies - and I have a nice house a nice car. I'm fortunate happy and grateful. Life is good.

Our combination of great research universities a pro-risk business culture deep pools of innovation-seeking equity capital and reliable business and contract law is unprecedented and unparalleled in the world.

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As our federal government has grown too large and too powerful the real loss has been the freedom of people to govern their own lives and participate fully in the American dream.