Search For collect In Quotes 171

From childhood I was passionately fond of music and wanted to be a musician. I have no recollection of any real desire ever to be anything else.

When people in stadiums do the Wave it's the group-mind collective organism spontaneously organizing itself to express an emotion pass time and reflect the joy of seeing the rhythms of many as one a visual rhyming or music in which everyone senses where the motion is going.

I'm a big collector of vinyl - I have a record room in my house - and I've always had a huge soundtrack album collection. So what I do as I'm writing a movie is go through all those songs trying to find good songs for fights or good pieces of music to layer into the film.

The scarcity of the music not only makes the music itself enjoyable but it also gives the collector a strange sense of superiority.

I think with movies I am really connecting to the Joseph Campbell idea of the collective unconscious.

My recollection is - and I'd have to confirm this - but I don't recall paying any money to go to law school.

When I sent those scripts that was the lowest point of my life. We'd just had our second son and when I went to collect them from hospital I went to the bank to try and get some money to buy some diapers the screen showed I've got $26 left.

Money is our madness our vast collective madness.

I remember my mom had a big collection of copies of Saturday Evening Post magazines and that was really my introduction to those great illustrators.

I have lots of records quite a collection actually that I stole from my mom. I have the original 'Thriller' album and I have a really great 'Elton John's Greatest Hits ' and I also have a N.E.R.D. album. Records sound more original. They have more edge.