Search For clever In Quotes 48

I'm constantly pitching one episode where we see life through Castle's eyes. I think Castle's just a little off as far as his perception goes. A very very clever man but I want to see the world as Castle sees it - kind of a rose-colored glasses all the women find him irresistible all the guys find him super cool and do whatever he says.

I don't think we're yet evolved to the point where we're clever enough to handle a complex a situation as climate change. The inertia of humans is so huge that you can't really do anything meaningful.

I like physics. I think it is the best science out of all three of them because generally it's more useful. You learn about speed and velocity and time and that's all clever stuff.

Clever men are good but they are not the best.

It's clever but is it Art?

The real art is not to come up with extraordinary clever words but to make ordinary simple words do extraordinary things. To use the language that we all use and to make amazing things occur.

An age which is incapable of poetry is incapable of any kind of literature except the cleverness of a decadence.

I am firmly of the opinion that women who make a lot of effort to hang onto their looks in middle age (unless they are beauties entertainers or prostitutes) are rather sad as one should surely have something more substantial to recommend one by this time such as kindness or cleverness.