Search For clearly In Quotes 109

The historical development of the work of anthropologists seems to single out clearly a domain of knowledge that heretofore has not been treated by any other science.

Having knowledge but lacking the power to express it clearly is no better than never having any ideas at all.

The Committee's review of a series of intelligence shortcomings to include intelligence prior to 9/11 and the pre-war intelligence on Iraq clearly reveal how vital a diverse intelligence workforce is to our national security.

Dr. Rice's record on Iraq gives me great concern. In her public statements she clearly overstated and exaggerated the intelligence concerning Iraq before the war in order to support the President's decision to initiate military action against Iraq.

Anyone in the humor business isn't thinking clearly if he doesn't surround himself with idea people. Otherwise you settle for mediocrity - or you burn yourself out.

Few people know so clearly what they want. Most people can't even think what to hope for when they throw a penny in a fountain.

The words that a father speaks to his children in the privacy of home are not heard by the world but as in whispering galleries they are clearly heard at the end and by posterity.

The more the history of the World War and what led up to it is studied the more clearly those tragic years become revealed as a vast collapse of civilization.

In my view far from deserving condemnation for their courageous reporting the New York Times the Washington Post and other newspapers should be commended for serving the purpose that the Founding Fathers saw so clearly.

I can see clearly now... that I was wrong in not acting more decisively and more forthrightly in dealing with Watergate.