Search For circumstance In Quotes 119

I really love idiot enlightened characters - these characters who fail to engage with the drama of their immediate circumstances they fail to be reactive and enrolled by drama as it happens around them.

This is as true in everyday life as it is in battle: we are given one life and the decision is ours whether to wait for circumstances to make up our mind or whether to act and in acting to live.

He's a novice but he's had these - he's experienced in leadership in tight circumstances. He started - he dropped the first bomb led the first air strike into North Vietnam.

Probability is expectation founded upon partial knowledge. A perfect acquaintance with all the circumstances affecting the occurrence of an event would change expectation into certainty and leave nether room nor demand for a theory of probabilities.

Your present circumstances don't determine where you can go they merely determine where you start.

Being an actor in movies is a lot about the power of your imagination and making the circumstance real to you so the audience will feel that it's real.

I've studied a technique called the Sanford Miesner technique that teaches you how to focus. It's mainly about daydreaming. And the technique's really about imaginary circumstances. Using your imagination to sort of daydream about stuff. It makes you emotional in a scene.

And you know whether it's drama or comedy the best work is based on truth. It's just that with comedy the circumstances are just crazy-heightened and you have these crazy things thrown at you. But you still have to do it truthfully because that's where the humor comes from. So it's not that difficult to cross over.

I don't think I could ever do a network sitcom because the humor is often based on some trite circumstance. I don't want to be a part of a show where it's mostly about coming up with the jokes.

It's continuously humbling to work hard you know? As long as you've got a good work ethic and a sense of humor I don't think anybody can become too much of an egoist under those circumstances.

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Everybody has a job to do. There are people in Iraq on both sides of this war who do what they do for religious reasons and they feel with God on their side. Some people are good at annihilating people. Maybe that's their gift.