Search For chinese In Quotes 65

I got into shape because I took kick-boxing lessons every day to prepare for a fight scene with Taylor Lautner. I really wanted to lie down and eat Chinese food but I kick-boxed every morning and ran. If someone was filming you with your kit off you'd do the same thing.

Not like Chinese food where you eat it and then you feel hungry an hour later.

Latin food suffers like Chinese. You can do marginal Chinese and be successful. You can do crappy Mexican and be packed.

As long as the food is well prepared and not overdone I think it tastes good. It doesn't matter if it's Chinese Japanese anything.

In the States you can buy Chinese food. In Beijing you can buy hamburger. It's very close. Now I feel the world become a big family like a really big family. You have many neighbors. Not like before two countries are far away.

When it comes to Chinese food I have always operated under the policy that the less known about the preparation the better. A wise diner who is invited to visit the kitchen replies by saying as politely as possible that he has a pressing engagement elsewhere.

Jackie Chan is a very good comedy/martial arts star. He does one kind of martial arts that Jet Li doesn't know how to do and Jet Li does a martial art that Jackie Chan doesn't know how to do. You can both go to two Chinese restaurants but both can have different kinds of food.

As long as there's pasta and Chinese food in the world I'm okay.

I can't stay away from Chinese food. I really love that stuff.

Let's not overlook though what we do know about the campaign finance scandal and the fact the Chinese were involved in our presidential campaign and our congressional campaigns.