Search For chief In Quotes 119

In this respect early youth is exactly like old age it is a time of waiting for a big trip to an unknown destination. The chief difference is that youth waits for the morning limited and age waits for the night train.

Among the New Hollanders whom we were thus engaged with there was one who by his appearance and carriage as well in the morning as this afternoon seemed to be the chief of them and a kind of prince or captain among them.

Almost the only persons who may be said to comprehend even approximately the significance principles and purposes of Socialism are the chief leaders of the extreme wings of the Socialistic forces and perhaps a few of the money kings themselves.

The chief value of money lies in the fact that one lives in a world in which it is overestimated.

There are but very few men clever enough to know all the mischief they do.

It is difficult for a woman to define her feelings in language which is chiefly made by men to express theirs.

A chief is a man who assumes responsibility. He says 'I was beaten ' he does not say 'My men were beaten.'

It is not materialism that is the chief curse of the world as pastors teach but idealism. Men get into trouble by taking their visions and hallucinations too seriously.

Falling out of love is chiefly a matter of forgetting how charming someone is.

Man's real life is happy chiefly because he is ever expecting that it soon will be so.